Orchard changes, thank you and native birds

October 2020 update

It has been a really busy month in the studio with the Manawatu Art Trail deadline looming and Spring in full swing in the garden.

After some manic cutting with a hand saw on a way too hot day, the orchard has been opened up into the front yard area and it has made a big difference to the way the energy moves. Some existing garden beds have been rearranged and suddenly new pathways open up. I love this kind of instinctive and gradual design – waiting for the next move to reveal itself and the dogs are definitely enjoying the extra space to run around in. The timber removed from the fence has already been repurposed into the start of a trial composting area in the orchard which will be handy when finished. Additional hedging has also been planted to try and add further shelter from the wind for the orchard trees.

Thank you – feeling spoilt

A big thank you to Anna from Waikanae and Merle & Sam from Marton for their wonderful gifts of new home grown plants – being able to add these into the mix is so appreciated. The bigger specimens have already found their spots in the garden and are growing beautifully, with smaller plants still growing in a sheltered space by the greenhouse. I am beginning to lose count of the numbers now in the ground but it must be getting close to 500.

Kereru – NZ Wood Pigeon visit

The birds are also very busy here at the moment with their morning song and some seem to be building nests. The Tui are clearly back and vocal and there is often a fantail or two flitting about in the garden. Recently we had a visit from a Kereru – NZ Wood Pigeon – it’s a first in our time here and very exciting to see one so close up.

Since moving to Hendersons Line, Marton in June 2017 Sam and Lorraine have planted a huge number of native plants and trees. Eventually they hope to cover most of the site (4 acres) with a diverse mix of plants including plenty of food for the bees and birds, This will be combined with walking tracks and hidden spaces to just sit or stand, listen, catch a breath.